AAS 204th Meeting, June 2004
Session 12 Undergraduate Astronomy Curriculum
Poster, Monday, May 31, 2004, 9:20am-6:30pm, Ballroom

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[12.02] Life in the Universe: A Multidisciplinary Science Curriculum for Undergraduate Honors Students

L. Danly (University of Denver)

Astrobiology provides an excellent framework for an interdisciplinary study of the sciences, especially for non-majors. To be conversant in astrobiology, one must have a basic understanding of astronomy, planetary science, geology, chemistry, biology, and environmental science. To explore the possible futures for life on Earth one must also consider political, economic, and other societal issues. And, as the questions addressed in astrobiology are also profoundly philosophical topics that have been considered by artists and writers of all cultures, the humanities also play an important role. The study of the past, present, and future possibilities for life in the universe, therefore, can offer curricular opportunities for students of all disciplines to have something to share with and something to learn from their peers. This paper describes a three-term curriculum for Honors Program students at the University of Denver that includes, among other innovations, peer learning, student goal/syllabus setting, integration of University of Denver faculty research programs, and community service.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #2
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