35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, April 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 2. Disks

Oral, Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 9:30am-12:45pm

2.01 The Effect of Gas Disk on Protoplanet Formation
J. Kominami, H. Tanaka, S. Ida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
2.02 Planetary migration in a planetesimal disk: why did Neptune stop at 30 AU?
A. Morbidelli (OCA- Nice), R. Gomes (ON- Rio de Janeiro), H. Levison (SWRI- Boulder)
2.03 SPH Simulations Of Giant Planet Formation From Disk Instability
L. Mayer (University of Zurich), T.R. Quinn (University of Washington), J. Wadsley (McMaster University), J. Stadel (University of Zurich)

Coffee Break

2.04I Navigating the Nebula: Planetary Migrations via Disk/Planet Interactions
W. Ward (SwRI)
2.05 Gravitational Instability and Clustering in a Disk of Planetesimals
P. Tanga (Laboratoire Cassiopee, OCA, France), S. Weidenschilling (Planetary Science Institute), A. Michel (Laboratoire Cassiopee, OCA, France), D. Richardson (U. Maryland)
2.06 Two Fluid Drag Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks
A.N. Youdin, J. Goodman (Princeton University)
2.07 Could 2003 VB12 (Sedna) Have Formed In Situ Within A Massive, Disk-Like Extension of the Kuiper Belt?
S. A. Stern (SwRI)

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