35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, April 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 2. Disks
Oral, Wednesday, April 21, 2004, 9:30am-12:45pm
- 2.01 The Effect of Gas Disk on Protoplanet Formation
- J. Kominami, H. Tanaka, S. Ida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 2.02 Planetary migration in a planetesimal disk: why did Neptune stop at 30 AU?
- A. Morbidelli (OCA- Nice), R. Gomes (ON- Rio de Janeiro), H. Levison (SWRI- Boulder)
- 2.03 SPH Simulations Of Giant Planet Formation From Disk Instability
- L. Mayer (University of Zurich), T.R. Quinn (University of Washington), J. Wadsley (McMaster University), J. Stadel (University of Zurich)
Coffee Break
- 2.04I Navigating the Nebula: Planetary Migrations via Disk/Planet Interactions
- W. Ward (SwRI)
- 2.05 Gravitational Instability and Clustering in a Disk of Planetesimals
- P. Tanga (Laboratoire Cassiopee, OCA, France), S. Weidenschilling (Planetary Science Institute), A. Michel (Laboratoire Cassiopee, OCA, France), D. Richardson (U. Maryland)
- 2.06 Two Fluid Drag Instabilities in Protoplanetary Disks
- A.N. Youdin, J. Goodman (Princeton University)
- 2.07 Could 2003 VB12 (Sedna) Have Formed In Situ Within A Massive, Disk-Like Extension of the Kuiper Belt?
- S. A. Stern (SwRI)
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