35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, April 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 7. Posters II
Thursday, April 22, 2004, 7:00-8:30pm
- 7.01 Passing the Baton: HST Observations of Pandora and Prometheus on the Eve of Cassini
- R.G. French, C.A. McGhee (Wellesley College)
- 7.02 Moon's Orbital Inclination Pumped up by a Passing Protoplanet with Mars Size
- K. Atobe, J. Kominami, S. Ida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
- 7.03 Neptune's Smooth Migration into a Hot Kuiper Belt
- J.M. Hahn (Saint Mary's University), R. Malhotra (University of Arizona)
- 7.04 Physical Librations of Europa
- J. Henrard (University of Namur)
- 7.05 Periodic Orbits in the Exterior Resonances 1/2,1/3 and 1/4 with Neptune
- T. Kotoulas, G. Voyatzis (University of Thessaloniki)
- 7.06 Chaos and Effects of Planetary Migration for the Saturnian Satellite Kiviuq
- J. A. Burns, V. Carruba (Cornell University), D. Nesvorny (Southwest Research Institute), M. Cuk (Cornell University), K. Tsiganis (Observatoire de la Cote D' Azur)
- 7.07 Orbital Evolution of Jupiter-family Comets
- S.I. Ipatov (George Mason Univ., USA; Inst. Applied Math., Moscow), J.C. Mather (LASP, NASA/GSFC)
- 7.08 Neptunian Satellites observed with Keck AO system
- F. Marchis, R. Urata, I. de Pater (UC-Berkeley), S. Gibbard (LLNL), H.B. Hammel (Space Science Institute), J. Berthier (IMCCE)
- 7.09 Constraints on past orbital states of Io derived from its interaction with the small inner satellites of Jupiter
- H. Hussmann, T. Spohn (Institute of Planetology, University of Muenster, Germany)
- 7.10 On Equilibrium Shapes among Binary Asteroids
- D.J.G.J. Hestroffer (IMCCE/Paris observatory)
- 7.11 The New Model of the Origin of the Moon
- N.N. Gorkavyi (Greenwich Institute for Science and Technology)
- 7.12 Planet-Planet Scattering and Outer Planetesimal Disks
- E. B. Ford (University of California at Berkeley)
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