35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, April 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 9. Satellites \& Rings
Oral, Friday, April 23, 2004, 2:20-5:35pm
- 9.01I The Dynamics of Saturn's Satellites
- C. D. Murray (Queen Mary, University of London)
- 9.02 Prometheus and Pandora : masses and orbital positions during the Cassini tour
- S. Renner, B. Sicardy (Observatoire de Paris, LESIA)
- 9.03 A New Model for the Secular Behavior of the Irregular Satellites
- M. Cuk, J. A. Burns (Cornell U.)
- 9.04 The gravitational stirring of the irregular prograde satellites of Jupiter
- A. Christou (Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland, UK)
Coffee Break
- 9.05 On the Role of Phase Alignments on Planetary Ring Edges
- J. W. Weiss, G. R. Stewart (CU/LASP)
- 9.06 Radar Observations of Wakes in Saturn's Rings.
- P.D. Nicholson, D.B. Campbell (Cornell Univ.), R.G. French (Wellesley College), H.J. Salo (Univ. of Oulu, Finland)
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