35th Meeting of the AAS Division on Dynamical Astronomy, April 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 9. Satellites \& Rings

Oral, Friday, April 23, 2004, 2:20-5:35pm

9.01I The Dynamics of Saturn's Satellites
C. D. Murray (Queen Mary, University of London)
9.02 Prometheus and Pandora : masses and orbital positions during the Cassini tour
S. Renner, B. Sicardy (Observatoire de Paris, LESIA)
9.03 A New Model for the Secular Behavior of the Irregular Satellites
M. Cuk, J. A. Burns (Cornell U.)
9.04 The gravitational stirring of the irregular prograde satellites of Jupiter
A. Christou (Armagh Observatory, Northern Ireland, UK)

Coffee Break

9.05 On the Role of Phase Alignments on Planetary Ring Edges
J. W. Weiss, G. R. Stewart (CU/LASP)
9.06 Radar Observations of Wakes in Saturn's Rings.
P.D. Nicholson, D.B. Campbell (Cornell Univ.), R.G. French (Wellesley College), H.J. Salo (Univ. of Oulu, Finland)

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