8th HEAD Meeting, 8-11 September, 2004
Session 10 Stars and the Sun
Oral, Wednesday, September 8, 2004, 2:00-3:30pm

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[10.01] RHESSI and the High-Energy Sun

D. M. Smith (University of California, Santa Cruz), RHESSI Team

The Sun, when flaring, is an extraordinarily powerful and efficient particle accelerator; on the order of half the released magnetic energy goes directly into the acceleration of electrons and ions, which can reach energies comparable to Galactic cosmic rays. The Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI), a NASA Small Explorer spacecraft in low Earth orbit, was designed to probe the acceleration process and its consequences through very-high-resolution imaging (down to 2.3 arcsec) and spectroscopy (\DeltaE/E as low as 0.2%). I will discuss the rotating modulation collimators and germanium detectors which give RHESSI these capabilities, and I will review recent RHESSI results on topics ranging from the smallest microflares to the largest flares of the decade, covering the behavior of both electrons and ions, and spanning photon energies from 3 keV to 10 MeV. RHESSI is supported by NASA contract NAS5-98033.

If you would like more information about this abstract, please follow the link to http://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessi/. This link was provided by the author. When you follow it, you will leave the Web site for this meeting; to return, you should use the Back comand on your browser.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.