8th HEAD Meeting, 8-11 September, 2004
Session 16 Missions, Instruments and Data Analysis
Poster, Thursday, September 9, 2004, 9:00am-10:00pm

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[16.06] Background count rates and the anti-coincidence detector on the XRS instrument on Astro-E2

C. A. Kilbourne (NASA/GSFC), XRS Instrument Team

Minimum ionizing particles incident on the XRS microcalorimeter array will deposit energy in the pixels on the same scale as an x-ray photon and would be confused with x-rays without an anti-coincidence detector. The XRS anti-coincidence detector is a silicon ionization detector placed directly behind the calorimeter array. Given an isotropic particle flux, 98 through a calorimeter pixel will also deposit energy in the anti-coincidence detector. Particle events that are not rejected by coincidence are those that pass through at small angles relative to the plane of the array, and thus deposit more energy. Modeling with GEANT4 showed that only 0.1 all protons incident on the array miss the anti-coincidence detector yet deposit less than 10 keV in a pixel. The unrejected background will thus be dominated by secondary events; we will provide an estimate of this rate.

Protons incident on the thick silicon frame around the active area of the array deposit enough energy to heat the whole chip slightly. This results in small simultaneous pulses on multiple pixels. These can be easily rejected by pixel-to-pixel coincidence. We will discuss the impact of these events on the instrument dead time and will present the expected rate. We will present laboratory background data demonstrating the performance of the anti-coincidence detector and the effectiveness of coincidence analysis in the laboratory environment.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.