8th HEAD Meeting, 8-11 September, 2004
Session 8 Pulsars and Magnetars
Poster, Wednesday, September 8, 2004, 9:00am-10:00pm

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[8.11] A multi-wavelength search for a counterpart of the unidentified Gamma-ray source 3EG J2020+4017 (2CG078+2)

W. Becker (MPE), M.C. Weisskopf (MSFC), Z. Arzoumanian (GSFC), D. Lorimer (University of Manchester), F. Camilo (Columbia University), R.F. Elsner (MSFC), G. Kanbach (MPE), O. Reimer (Ruhr-Universiaet Bochum), D.A. Swartz (USRA / MSFC), A.F. Tennant, S.L. O'Dell (MSFC)

In search of the counterpart to the brightest unidentified gamma-ray source 3EG J2020+4017 we report on new X-ray and radio observations of the Gamma-Cygni field with Chandra and the Green Bank Telescope. We also report on reanalysis of archival ROSAT data. With Chandra it became possible for the first time to measure the position of the putative gamma-ray counterpart RX J2020.2+4026 with sub-arcsec accuracy and to deduce its X-ray spectral characteristics. These observations demonstrate that RX J2020.2+4026 is associated with a K field star and therefore is unlikely to be the counterpart of the bright gamma-ray source 2CG078+2 in the SNR G78.2+2.1 as had been previously suggested. The Chandra observation detected 37 additional X-ray sources which were correlated with catalogs of optical and infrared data. Subsequent GBT radio observations covered the complete 99% EGRET likelihood contour of 3EG J2020+4017 with a sensitivity limit of L820 \approx 0.1 mJy kpc2 which is lower than most of the recent deep radio search limits. If there is a pulsar operating in 3EG J2020+4017 this sensitivity limit suggests that the pulsar either does not produce significant amounts of radio emission or that its geometry is such that the radio beam does not intersect with the line of sight. Finally, reanalysis of archival ROSAT data leads to a flux upper limit of fx(0.1-2.4 keV) < 1.8 x 10-13 erg s-1 cm-2 for a putative point-like X-ray source located within the 68% confidence contour of 3EG J2020+4017. Adopting the SNR age of 5400 yrs and assuming a spin-down to X-ray energy conversion factor of 10-4 this upper limit constrains the parameters of a putative neutron star as a counterpart for 3EG J2020+4017 to be P >= 160 (d/1.5 kpc)-1ms, \dot{P} >= 5 x 10-13 (d/1.5 kpc)-1 s s-1 and B\perp >= 9 x 1012 (d/1.5 kpc)-1 G.

If you would like more information about this abstract, please follow the link to ftp://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/people/web/gamma-Cygni. This link was provided by the author. When you follow it, you will leave the Web site for this meeting; to return, you should use the Back comand on your browser.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.