8th HEAD Meeting, 8-11 September, 2004
Session 6 Laboratory Astrophysics
Poster, Wednesday, September 8, 2004, 9:00am-10:00pm

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[6.06] Measurements of K Shell Emission of Highly Charged Ions with the XRS at EBIT

F. S. Porter (NASA/GSFC), P. Beiersdorfer (LLNL), K. R. Boyce, G. V. Brown (NASA/GSFC), H. Chen (LLNL), S. Kahn (Stanford University), R. L. Kelley, C. A. Kilbourne (NASA/GSFC)

The XRS/EBIT is a 32 channel microcalorimeter spectrometer operating at the electron beam ion trap (EBIT) facility at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The system contains a flight candidate detector array from the XRS instrument for the Astro-E2 mission. The detector array in the XRS/EBIT is functionally identical to the flight array integrated into the XRS instrument and benefits from the enormous amount of calibration data from the XRS program. Since the XRS/EBIT was upgraded with the new detector array in October 2003, the system has been used for a number of experiments including a survey of the K shell emission from He-like and H-like O, Ne, Ar, Fe, Ni and Kr as well as for L shell emission to measure the 3C/3D line ratio in Ni. Here we present some basic operational parameters of the instrument as well as direct excitation and simulated maxwellian spectra of He-like and H-like Fe. We show that that the XRS instrument can resolve the Lya1 and Lya2 lines from each other as well as from the dielectronic recombination satellites in thermal H-like Fe. We also show exactly how well the XRS instrument on Astro-E2 will resolve the thermal He-like triplet in collisionally excited Fe. This work was funded under NASA's Research Opportunities in Space Science program.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.