36th DPS Meeting, 8-12 November 2004
Session 33 Comets: Comae
Poster II, Thursday, November 11, 2004, 4:15-7:00pm, Exhibition Hall 1A

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[33.09] The Dust Coma of 10P/Borrelly

T.M. Ho (Physikalisches Institut, Universitaet Bern, Switzerland), N. Thomas (MPI fur Aeronomie), D.C. Boice (SWRI), T. Bonev (Institut of Astronomy, Sofia, Bulgaria), K. Jockers (MPI fuer Sonnensystemforschung Katlenburg-Lindau Germany), L.A. Soderblom (USGS)

We present a comparative analysis of the 19P/Borrelly data received by the MICAS experiment onboard the spacecraft Deep Space 1 (September 21, 2001) and the Earth observation data sets taken with the 2m-Zeiss Telescope at Pik Terskol between September 20-22, 2001. The dust coma has been observed with the telescope in the wavelength range of 440, 526 and 642 nm. We calculated for both data sets the dust production rate, further we investigated the dust colour and the distinct emission features. On all MICAS images strong collimated dust jets are recognised on the sunward side. The dust coma shows on the Pik Terskol images an elongated shape pointing towards the sun. We have two models, which simulates the dust coma in the vicinity of the nucleus and seen from the Earth, respectively. To simulate the elongated dust coma of the Pik Terskol data, we assumed an anisotropic emission with Gaussian profile, including the rotation pole which has been determined by other publications. Taking these two simulations into account, possible agreements of both models and data sets have been examined.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #4
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.