36th DPS Meeting, 8-12 November 2004
Session 23 Comets Coma I
Oral, Wednesday, November 10, 2004, 1:30-3:00pm, Clark

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[23.02] Formation and Destruction Mechanisms of Carbon Monoxide in Cometary Comae

D. M. Pierce, M. F. A'Hearn (Univ. of Maryland)

We have further developed our 1-D gas model to examine multiple photochemical processes and chemical reactions which could contribute to the formation and destruction of CO throughout the cometary coma. In addition to photochemistry of H2CO and CH3OH, we examine the role of chemical reactions between O(1D) and CO2 and CO. We also continue to examine the importance of a chemical reaction between hot hydrogen and CO2 to form CO and OH (Pierce & A'Hearn 2003), and we compare its importance to the other chemical reactions and photochemical processes. The relative contributions of these reactions, as well as other formation and destruction mechanisms to the overall abundance of CO, will be discussed.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 36 #4
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.