36th DPS Meeting, 8-12 November 2004
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 47. Mars Surface and Dust

Oral, Chairs: N. Barlow and J. Bell, Friday, November 12, 2004, 3:30-5:00pm, Lewis

47.01 HST WFPC2, ACS, and STIS Observations of Mars During the 2003 Perihelic Opposition
J.F. Bell III, E.Z. Noe Dobrea, M.Y.H. Hubbard (Cornell Univ.), M.J. Wolff (SSI), K. Noll, A. Lubenow (STScI), R.V. Morris (NASA/JSC), G. Videen (U.S. Army Res. Lab.), Y. Shkuratov (Kharkov Univ.)
47.02 HST/STIS Observations of the Extended Martian Upper Atmosphere
J.T. Clarke (Boston University), J.L. Bertaux (CNRS), T. Owen (Univ. of Hawaii), A Nagy (Univ. of Michigan)
47.03 Atmospheric Correction for Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) Color Images
G. B. Hansen (Planetary Sci. Inst.), T. B. McCord (Univ. Hawaii/Planetary Sci. Inst.), J. B. Adams (Univ. Washington), R. Jaumann, H. Hoffmann (DLR Berlin), G. Neukum (Freie Universität Berlin)
47.04 Secondary Crater Production Rates on the Moon and Mars--Are They Different?
N. G. Barlow (N. AZ Univ.), K. M. Block (Fl. Atlantic U.)
47.05 A Comparison of Automated and Manual Crater Counting Techniques in Images of Elysium Planitia.
C. S. Plesko (UCSC, LANL), S. P. Brumby (LANL), E. Asphaug (UCSC)
47.06 Discovering Biotic Minerals at Martian Subsurface/Surface
P. Coll, F. Stalport (LISA - FRANCE), M. Cabane (SA - FRANCE), R. Navarro-Gonzalez (LQPEP - UNAM - MEXICO), A. Person (LGS - FRANCE), F. Raulin (LISA - FRANCE)
47.07 Intrinsic Variability in Dust Deflation Potential in Multi-Annual MGCM Simulations
A.F.C. Bridger (Meteorology Dept., San Jose State Univ.), R.M. Haberle (NASA Ames Research Center)
47.08 Mars' radio spectrum and the flying dust.
M. Roos-Serote (Lisbon Astron. Obs.), D. Stam, R. Fender (Univ. of Amsterdam)
47.09 Nadir Emissivity Radiative Transfer Model Sensitivity Studies With Applications to Martian Regolith Fine Fraction
K. M. Pitman (Louisiana State University; Space Science Institute), M. J. Wolff (SSI), G. C. Clayton (LSU)
47.10 A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of a Finite Dust Source on the Martian Annual Dust Cycle
M.A. Kahre, J.R. Murphy (New Mexico State University), R.M. Haberle, F. Montmessin, J. Schaeffer (NASA-Ames)

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