AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 92 Ellipticals and Early Types
Poster, Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[92.06] A Low-redshift Sample of E+A Galaxies

K.M. Walker (University of Toledo), M.P. Bergmann (NOAO Gemini Science Center), J. Turner (Gemini Observatory)

We present the results of a low-redshift survey for E+A galaxies. These galaxies are spectroscopically classified as having strong Balmer and metallic absorption with the absence of any emission. The absorption lines indicate an abundance of A-type stars as well as an old stellar population, while the absence of emission, especially {O~{\sc ii}}, denotes the lack of current star formation. Essential in determining the evolution of early-type galaxies, a low-redshift sample will allow easier morphology observations and further spectroscopic study. Fourteen low-redshift E+A galaxies were found using the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release One following similar criteria as the H-delta strong survey of Goto (2003), except that only galaxies with a redshift lower than z=0.05 were selected. Two of these E+A galaxies were observed with the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory 1.5-m telescope and confirmed to have no emission anywhere along the longslit, including outside the 3" region sampled by the SDSS fibers.

This work was supported by the NSF through the CTIO REU program.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: kwalker@physics.utoledo.edu

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