AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 96 Astronomy Education: K-12
Poster, Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[96.14] Graduate Students in the K-12 Classroom: The NSF GK-12 Project

A. G. Jensen (University of Colorado-Boulder)

The National Science Foundation's GK-12 Project is a nationwide program that endeavors to involve graduate students in K-12 public science education. GK-12 fellows spend 10+ hours per week in a designated classroom throughout the school year, assisting teachers in lectures, labs, field trips, and functioning as a resident scientist in their area of expertise. One goal of the GK-12 Project is to allow graduate students with an interest in teaching to have direct experience with the K-12 classroom, encouraging more trained scientists to consider K-12 education as a potential career path. Another goal of the project is to give K-12 students access to a current participant in academia, a "real scientist" who can both answer questions in their field and function as a role model for young students interested in science. At the University of Colorado-Boulder, the GK-12 Project is currently in the second-year of a three-year grant, with 10 graduate fellows in astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, and biology.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: Adam.Jensen@colorado.edu

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