AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 153 Computation, Data Handling, Image Analysis
Poster, Thursday, January 13, 2005, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[153.04] SCAMP and the ASP

H. Idehara, D. F. Carbon (NASA Ames)

We present two new, publicly available tools to support the examination and interpretation of spectra.

SCAMP is a specialized graphical user interface for MATLAB. It allows researchers to rapidly intercompare sets of observational, theoretical, and/or laboratory spectra. Users have extensive control over the colors and placement of individual spectra, and over spectrum normalization from one spectral region to another. Spectra can be interactively assigned to user-defined groups and the groupings recalled at a later time. The user can measure/record positions and intensities of spectral features, interactively spline-fit spectra, and normalize spectra by fitted splines. User-defined wavelengths can be automatically highlighted in SCAMP plots. The user can save/print annotated graphical output suitable for a scientific notebook depicting the work at any point.

The ASP is a WWW portal that provides interactive access to two spectrum data sets: a library of synthetic stellar spectra and a library of laboratory PAH spectra.

The synthetic stellar spectra in the ASP are appropriate to the giant branch with an assortment of compositions. Each spectrum spans the full range from 2 to 600 microns at a variety of resolutions. The ASP is designed to allow users to quickly identify individual features at any resolution that arise from any of the included isotopic species. The user may also retrieve the depth of formation of individual features at any resolution.

PAH spectra accessible through the ASP are drawn from the extensive library of spectra measured by the NASA Ames Astrochemistry Laboratory. The user may interactively choose any subset of PAHs in the data set, combine them with user-defined weights and temperatures, and view/download the resultant spectrum at any user-defined resolution.

This work was funded by the NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division, NASA Ames Research Center.

The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: dcarbon@nas.nasa.gov

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