AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 121 G-waves: Gamma Rays and Gravity
Oral, Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 10:00-11:30am, Royal Palm 4-6

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[121.03] Studying the Dynamics of Black Hole Binary Coalescences with Numerical Methods

M. Koppitz (NASA/GSFC)

The detection of gravitational waves from binary black holes systems requires good templates for matched filtering of the data streams. Lacking a good theoretical model especially for the late stage of the evolution these templates have to be created via fully nonlinear numerical simulations.

I study the dynamical evolution of binary black hole initial data, generated by the group in Meudon/Paris based on a helical killing vector ansatz. These data represent two corotating black holes in a very close orbit (shortly before the last stable orbit) and are believed to be much more astrophysically realisitic than previously used ones.

The data are evolved beyond merger as defined by the formation of a common horizon enabling a study of the dynamics of the horizon such as mass, angular momentum, and wobbling frequency.

These results could lead to templates for gravitational wave forms that could actually be used for the matched filtering search.

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