AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 153 Computation, Data Handling, Image Analysis
Poster, Thursday, January 13, 2005, 9:20am-4:00pm, Exhibit Hall

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[153.14] Devolopment of an AMR MHD module for the code Enzo

D. C. Collins, M. L. Norman (UCSD)

The importance of astrophysical magnetic fields is indisputable. From their primordial origins to their role in star formation, magnetic fields present some of the most formidable challenges in modern astrophysics. Unfortunately, due to the difficulty in analytic modeling and observation, the role of said magnetic fields is still largely unresolved. To aid in solving these problems, we have implemented magnetic mields into the Enzo code. Enzo is an Adaptive Mesh Hydrodynamics code, originally written in 1994 by Greg Bryan. I will discuss the algorithms and implementation of MHD in this code and present preliminary benchmarks. We have used the TVD linearized Riemann solver described by D. Ryu and T.W. Jones for the base solver. In addition to the base solver we have employed the magnetic field advancement as described by D. Balsara. For interpolation to fine grids we have used a divergence free quadratic reconstruction, also described by Balsara. The benchmarks we will present include the Magnetized Shock Tube of Brio and Wu, the magnetized Sedov-Taylor blast wave, and the Orszag-Tang vortex problem.

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