AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 28 Lensing: Micro, MACHO, Strong, Weak and Wide
Poster, Monday, January 10, 2005, 9:20am-6:30pm, Exhibit Hall

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[28.06] Possible Futures for Quadruply-Imaged Quasar Systems due to Micro-lensing by Stars

M.S. Peeples, P.L. Schechter (MIT), J.K. Wambsganss (ARI)

Simple models of lensing potentials that accurately reproduce positions for quadruply-imaged systems often fail miserably at reproducing flux ratios. As the light from each image passes through a different starfield in the lensing galaxy, these flux ratio anomalies might be due to micro-lensing by stars. Modelling the lens galaxy as an isothermal sphere with an external shear and a mass distribution that varies by the percentage of matter that is dark (i.e., continuous) or contained in stars (i.e., clumpy), we have simulated the distribution of possible magnification deviations from the underlying smooth potential. These distributions were then used to generate simulated pictures of possible configurations for several quadruply-imaged systems, including the most anamalous system known, SDSS0924+0219. In SDSS0924, component D is predicted to have a flux of about ten times what it does, about the same as component A. We find that anomalies this extreme are quite unlikely if none of the mass is continuously distributed, but much more likely if 80% of the mass is dark. We also present possible futures for PG1115+080, which has a configuration similar to that of SDSS0924, but the magnifications of all four images are currently close to what the models predict. Because the starfields associated with each component will change over time, we predict that image D in SDSS0924 will become as bright as A. If 80% of the surface density at the position of the lens is dark, we predict that for PG1115, image A2 will be found to have a substantial fraction of its time fainter than A1. We gratefully acknowledge support under NSF grant AST-0206010.

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