AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
Session 154 The Planck Mission
Special Session, Thursday, January 13, 2005, 10:00-11:30am, Town and Country

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[154.04] Planck All-Sky Surveys and the Sources They Will Reveal

R. B. Partridge (Haverford College)

In addition to providing high-resolution, whole-sky images of the cosmic microwave background, Planck will provide sensitive all-sky surveys of galactic and extragalactic sources at a range of mm and sub-mm wavelengths. Planck will measure polarizations of these sources in most of its frequency bands, and can measure variability on a range of time scales from minutes to months. We expect Planck to detect more than 104 extragalactic sources (vs. \approx200 in the WMAP catalog), most of them dusty galaxies. Planck will thus provide a unique data-base for studies of sources ranging from blazars to the youngest radio sources, and from IRAS galaxies with cold dust to high-redshift, lensed, dusty galaxies. Two catalogs will be prepared: an Early Release Compact Source Catalog (enabling rapid follow-up with Herschel and other observatories) and a later complete catalog of compact sources. In this talk, I will emphasize the science to be gained from Planck measurements of extragalactic sources. I will also describe ground-based and other programs designed to increase our understanding of extragalactic sources before launch and to follow up interesting sources found during the mission.

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