AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Astronomy 101: A Continuing Dialogue

Sunday, January 9, 2005, 2:30-7:00pm, Pacific Salon 1

In July 2004, the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the AAS jointly sponsored ``Cosmos in the Classroom," a three-day symposium focused on teaching introductory astronomy for non-science majors. The meeting considered such topics as offering large classes without always lecturing, new modes of testing, the future of astronomy textbooks, the effective use of technology in our courses, and the need for greater networking among astronomy instructors across the country. In this session, we will report on the highlights of the July symposium, set out the main issues that were raised, and begin a dialogue about these issues with AAS members who were not able to attend. Andrew Fraknoi (Foothill College) and George Greenstein (Amherst College) will act as moderators.

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