AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 34. Stellar Structure and Evolution

Oral, Monday, January 10, 2005, 10:00-11:30am, Royal Palm 4-6

34.01 Microlensing Effects on Emission Lines from Homologously Expanding Winds
R. Ignace (ETSU), H. M. Bryce, M.A. Hendry (U. of Glasgow)
34.02D Investigating the Break of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation and its Implications
C. Ngeow, S. Kanbur (UMASS)
34.03D Core Convection and Dynamo Action in Rotating A-type Stars
M.K. Browning (JILA, University of Colorado), A.S. Brun (DSM/DAPNIA/SAp, CEA-Saclay, France, and JILA), J. Toomre (JILA, University of Colorado)
34.04D Updated radiative accelerations from the Opacity Project.
F. Delahaye (The Ohio State University)

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