AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Winning Small Grants to do Education and Public Outreach with NASA Office of Space Science Programs

Sunday, January 8, 2005, 9:00am-12:00pm, Royal Palm 5/6

This half-day workshop is designed to support the efforts of the growing number of astronomers who either are, have been, or will be proposers for small grant awards for education and public outreach (EPO) in NASA's Office of Space Science (OSS) [e.g. ROSS EPO supplements, HST and Chandra EPO supplements, and the IDEAS grants].

The workshop goals are to provide participants with:

1) a systemic view of the OSS EPO grant programs,

2) important tips for preparing winning proposals based on actual experience with the review process,

3) a networking opportunity for astronomers engaged in NASA-supported K-12 education and public outreach, and

4) an opportunity for feedback to NASA regarding experience with the programs and recommendations for improvement.

Workshop facilitators and presenters will include Dr. Cherilynn Morrow (Space Science Institute, Boulder CO ), Dr. Larry Cooper (NASA HQ), and Dr. Timothy Slater ( University of Arizona ). Additional OSS EPO Support Network representatives will also be on hand to help address questions and facilitate small group discussion.

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