AAS 205th Meeting, 9-13 January 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Session 84. ISM III, SNe and Stirring the Soup

Oral, Tuesday, January 11, 2005, 2:00-3:30pm, Pacific 2/3

84.01 Intense Diffuse Emission from the Orion Nebula
R. C. Henry (JHU), J. Murthy (IIA), D. J. Sahnow (JHU)
84.02 Evidence of Bohm Diffusion in Historical Supernova Remnants
G.E. Allen, M.D. Stage, J.C. Houck (MIT CSR)
84.03D Ion Heating in Collisionless Shocks in Supernova and the Heliosphere
K. E. Korreck (University of Michgan- Ann Arbor)
84.04 Cracking the Shell of Shell-Type SNRs with Spatially-Resolved Spectroscopy
M. D. Stage, G.E. Allen, J.C. Houck, J.E. Davis (MIT Center for Space Research)
84.05 Chandra Observations of G327.1-1.1: Evidence for a Disrupted PWN
P. Slane, B. M. Gaensler (CfA), E. van der Swaluw (FOM-IPP, Netherlands), J. P. Hughes (Rutgers), J. A. Jenkins (Harvard College Observatory)
84.06 Physical structure of the fast and ultra-fast inner winds in the pre-planetary nebula He3-1475
C. Sanchez Contreras (Caltech), R. Sahai (JPL/Caltech)
84.07 INTEGRAL/SPI Observations of Electron-Positron Annihilation Radiation from our Galaxy
B. J. Teegarden (NASA/GSFC), K. Watanabe (U. of Md./GSFC), J. Knoedlseder, P. Jean, V. Lonjou, G. Weidenspointner, G. Skinner, P. von Ballmoos, G. Vedrenne, J.-P. Roques (CESR), S. Schanne (CEA/Saclay), V. Schoenfelder (MPE)
84.08 Dispersal and Mixing of Supernova-Enriched Gas
P. C. Fragile (UCSB), S. D. Murray (LLNL), D. N. C. Lin (UCSC)

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