AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Speaker-Ready Room

Sunday, 2:00-6:00pm, May 29, 2005, 202 A

LCD Projectors and Computers will be provided in every oral session room, free of charge. YOU MAY NOT USE YOUR OWN. You do not need to place an order to use the LCD Projector, but the following requirements must be strictly adhered to:

PRESENTATION: PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat are the required formats. Your PowerPoint presentation must be compatible with Office XP (2002) for the PC. The computers in the sessions rooms will be Windows XP Pro with Office XP.

MOVIES: Movie files are automatically linked to your presentation, rather than embedded inside it like pictures or drawings. When your presentation has linked files, you must copy the linked files as well as the presentation. QuickTime Movie Files (.mov) do not work as linked movies in the PC version or PowerPoint. Please convert them to MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg) or AVI (.avi) format if you wish to include them in you PowerPoint file. Otherwise, they will work if played separately using QuickTime Player.

IN THE SESSION: You will control your presentation on the computer provided in the session room. There will be a monitor, keyboard and mouse for you to use. Please do not load your presentation on the computer in the session room yourself as it may be deleted remotely.

LABEL: The disk must be labeled with the name of the room, time of presentation, and your session number, including speaker number (i.e. 35.02) Please check the Program for accuracy.

DROP OFF: Your presentation must be provided on a CD-ROM or USB Flash Disk, PC formatted, to the speaker ready room at least one day in advance of your talk. You may also send a CD-ROM (PC formatted) to the AAS Executive Office to arrive a week prior to the meeting. Copies received later will NOT be accepted. (AAS Executive Office Attn: Kelli Gilmore, 2000 Florida Ave., NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009-1231)

SPEAKER READY ROOM (202 A): The speaker ready room was designed with compatibility in mind. The computers in the speaker ready room and in each of the oral sessions are EXACTLY alike. If your presentation looks good in the speaker ready room, then it will look good in the session. There will be someone in the Speaker Ready Room to help you out all day. Please do not hesitate to drop by and ask questions.

QUESTIONS: Prior to the meeting contact Michael Roche with Meeting Services, Inc. mroche@msiprod.com.

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