AAS 206th Meeting, 29 May - 2 June 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the
Session 54. Bubble, Bubble, Boil, and Bubbles
Oral, Thursday, 10:00-11:30am, June 2, 2005, 102 E
- 54.01 Results of SPARO 2003: Mapping Magnetic Fields in Giant Molecular Clouds
- G. Novak, G. S. Griffin, M. Krejny, H. Li (Northwestern University), R. F. Loewenstein, M. G. Newcomb (University of Chicago), P. G. Calisse (Cardiff University, Wales, U.K.), D. T. Chuss (NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center)
- 54.02 A Large Scale Emission-Absorption Study of Galactic Neutral Hydrogen
- S.T. Strasser (University of Minnesota), J.M. Dickey (University of Tasmania), A.R. Taylor (University of Calgary)
- 54.03 OH Observations of HI Self-Absorption (HISA) Clouds
- D. W. Kavars (University of Minnesota), J. M. Dickey (University of Tasmania), E. D. Skillman (University of Minnesota)
- 54.04 First GLIMPSE Results on the Stellar Structure of the Galaxy
- E. B. Churchwell (U of Wisconsin-Madison), R.A. Benjamin (U of Wisconsin-Whitewater), GLIMPSE Team
- 54.05 First Results from the Swift Mission
- F.E. Marshall (NASA/GSFC), Swift Team
- 54.06 Prompt Swift XRT Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows
- J. A. Kennea (Penn State University), Swift XRT Team
- 54.07 Early Science Results from the Swift Ultra-Violet/Optical Telescope
- P.W.A. Roming, C. Gronwall, J.A. Nousek (PSU), P. Schady (PSU/MSSL), A.A. Breeveld, K.O. Mason (MSSL), P.T. Boyd (GSFC/UMBC), Swift UVOT Team
- 54.08 Swift/BAT Instrument Performance and Status
- J. R. Cummings (GSFC/NRC), BAT Instrument Team
- 54.09 Gamma-Ray Burst Jet Profiles And Their Signatures
- C. Graziani, D. Q. Lamb, T. Q. Donaghy (Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Chicago)
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