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F. Poulet, J.-P. Bibring (IAS, Paris-Sud University), A. Gendrin (Brown University), N. Mangold (IDES, Paris-Sud University), J. Mustard (Brown University), Y. Langevin, B. Gondet, D. Loizeau, C. Gomez (IAS, Paris-Sud University), V. Chevrier (CEREGE, Europole Mediterraneen), G. Neukum (Freie Universitat), OMEGA Team, HRSC Team
OMEGA detects hydrated minerals by the overtones and combinations of the nu1 (symmetric O-H stretch), nu2 (H-O-H bend), and nu3 (asymmetric O-H stretch) absorption features, at ~ 1.4 micron (shallow) and ~ 1.9 micron (deeper) as well as sharp metal-OH in the 2.2-2.4 micron range typical of clays (Bibring et al., Science 307, 2005). These minerals are detected in very limited regions, mainly associated to old and eroded terrains. We will present both the composition and the morphology of these regions. Because these deposits represent a unique kind of hydrated minerals, they place constraints on the early chemical alteration evolution of Mars and its atmosphere. We will discuss these constraints and their implications.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.