37th DPS Meeting, 4-9 September 2005
Session 29 Planet and Satellite Formation
Poster, Tuesday, September 6, 2005, 6:00-7:15pm, Music Foyer

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[29.11] From Protoplanets to Terrestrial Planets: Statistical Properties of Assembled Planets

E. Kokubo (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan), J. Kominami (University of Tokyo), S. Ida (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

The standard scenario of terrestrial planet formation consists of three stages: (1) dust to planetesimals, (2) planetesimals to protoplanets, and (3) protoplanets to planets. The stage (3) is known as giant impact stage where protoplanets collide one another to form the final planets. As this process is stochastic, in order to clarify it, it is necessary to investigate it statistically. We investigate this final assemblage of terrestrial planets from protoplanets by using N-body simulations. As the initial conditions, we adopt the oligarchic growth model of protoplanets. We systematically change the total mass, the mass distribution, and the orbital separation of the initial protoplanet system. For a parameter set of the initial condition, we perform 20 runs and from them we derive the statistical properties of the assembled planets. We show the dependence of the mass and orbital properties of the planets on the parameter of the initial protoplanet system. The number of planets decreases with the total mass of the initial protoplanets, while the mass of the individual planet increases. The basic structure of planetary systems hardly depends on the initial distribution of protoplanets as long as the total mass is fixed. We also discuss the spin of the assembled planets.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.