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P Coll (Univ. Paris 7), C. Szopa (Univ. Paris 6), G. Israel (CNRS), F. Raulin (Univ. Paris 12), M. Cabane (Univ. Paris 6), H.B. Niemann (NASA Goddard), S.K. Atreya (Univ. Michigan), D. Coscia, J.F. Brun (CNRS), M.J. Nguyen (Univ. Paris 12), T. Owen (Univ. Hawaii), R.E. Samuelson (NASA Goddard), M. Steller (Univ. Austria)
The Aerosol Collector Pyrolyser (ACP) main objectives were to determine the chemical makeup of the photochemical aerosol in the Titan's low stratosphere, and to search for the relative abundances of condensed organics down to the middle troposphere The instrument collected the aerosols and condensates during descent and prepared the sampled matter (evaporation and pyrolysis in an oven) for gas products transfer to the Huygens Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) which is directly coupled to ACP. During the descent of the Probe, gases from ACP were transferred at programmed times to GCMS. Data Products from GCMS that are referencing to ACP were provided for analysis to the ACP Science Team . The sampling of the aerosols was succesfully done in two regions of the atmosphere: first between 130 and 34,5 km, and then, between 25 and 20 km altitude. Here we present onlyl the data given by the ACP devoted Ion source of the GCMS when this instrument is operating on its mass spectrometry mode. We will discuss principally the results obtained after the two 600 degrees C pyrolysis sequences which give information on the composition of the photochemical aerosols.
The author(s) of this abstract have provided an email address for comments about the abstract: israel@aerov.jussieu.fr
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #3
© 2004. The American Astronomical Soceity.