37th DPS Meeting, 4-9 September 2005
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

Workshop on The Role of DPS in Education and Outreach

Wednesday, September 7, 2005, 12:45-2:15pm, Garden Room, Robinson College

What would you like to see the DPS do in the areas of education and public outreach? Our parent organization AAS and the AGU have Education Committees and run education sessions, teacher workshops, presentations for school children, public talks, etc., at conferences. DPS has organized similar events at DPS meetings. A large fraction of funding for planetary research comes from missions, each of which funds E/PO activities, including many of the above activities. Clearly, there is no point in DPS duplicating such activities. Should DPS be co-ordinating activities that bring different mission E/PO efforts together? What should such activities entail? Should DPS concentrate on the needs of its membership, e.g. workshops on teaching solar system science, career guidance for undergraduate and graduate students? The goal for this workshop is for the DPS membership to pool their experiences with educational and outreach activities, brainstorm on potential activities DPS might organize, and come up with a practical plan for carrying them out within the means available. Contacts: Fran Bagenal (bagenal@colorado.edu) and Larry Lebofsky (lebofsky@lpl.arizona.edu).

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