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D. Casebeer, E. Baron, K. Leighly, D. Jevremovic, A. Nava (University of Oklahoma)
We have embarked on a self-consistent study of acceleration in AGN winds using the PHOENIX generalized stellar atmospheres code. Because the PHOENIX code solves the special relativistic radiative transfer equation using accelerated lambda iteration (ALI) and has a very large atomic database which is used in NLTE rate and opacity calculations it is the perfect tool for self-consistently modeling AGN winds.
We already have had some success, we have shown that it is possible to model a subset of one subtype of AGN, the so-called FeIILoBAL AGN with PHOENIX. These AGN however are quite unusual in several ways. For example they may have extremely high column densities in which the intrinsic spectral energy distribution is completely reprocessed. We are currently extending PHOENIX to handle a semi-empirical intrinsic spectral energy distribution more likely found in AGN.
We present current model results for FUV-optical spectra of FeIILoBAL AGN showing the remarkable consistency of the models with the data. We discuss physical implications of the models and the parameters that they can constrain. In addition, we discuss work on O-star winds with PHOENIX. Finally, we describe work in progress to obtain accurate accelerations for general AGN models.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.