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G. Azarnia (Florida International University), J. Webb (Florida International University and SARA Observatory), J. Pollock (Appalachian State University)
We investigate the noise properties of small time scale variations found in blazar object S5 0716+714. Known as microvariability, these intra-day variations are thought to be physically relevant to the study of Blazar sources and the result of specific processes which occur in these ultra-luminous and distant objects. Time series analysis techniques such as the Discrete Fourier Transform are used to investigate possible noise characteristics of the time series. Classification of results in terms of noise type for 10 different microvariability time series of durations between 8 & 11 hours are presented along with comparisons of these results to noise simulations. We then briefly discuss possible processes which may be responsible for the noise properties of microvariations and the implications of our project results for current Blazar models.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.