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N. Milutinovic, J.C. Charlton (Penn State), C.W. Churchill (NMSU)
We present the physical properties of two strong MgII systems at z=0.4744 and z=0.4833 toward the quasar Q0454-220. A HIRES/Keck spectrum, with resolution R=45,000, covers prominent low ionization features: MgII, FeII, CaII, and MgI. A HST/STIS spectrum, with R=30,000, covers the CIV and SiIV doublets. Coverage of the Lyman series lines and Lyman break region for these systems is provided by a HST/FOS spectrum, with R=1,300. The z=0.4744 system is a sub-DLA system, and the z=0.4833 system also produces a full Lyman limit break. Beginning with Voigt profile fits to the highest resolution data, we modeled these systems using the Cloudy photoionization code. The incident radiation is assumed to be a Haardt and Madau extragalactic background spectrum due to quasars and star-forming galaxies. We derive ranges of ionization parameters, number densities, sizes, temperatures, and metallicities for the absorbing clouds.
This research was supported by NASA under grant NAG5-6399 NNG04GE73G and by NSF under grant AST-04-07138.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.