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L.F. Zambrano (Universidad Metropolitana (UMET)), R.P. Boyle S.J (Specola Vaticana), R. Janusz University - School "Ignatianum" Kracow, Poland Collaboration, A.G. Davis- Institute for Space Observations Collaboration
Classification of stars by color is important in stellar studies because from it we are able to attain essential information about stars like: temperature, composition, age and mass; from these we can also derive its history, and future evolution!. This classification can be done by photometry or spectroscopy. Photometry provides information from more stars in a given field of view, magnitude and approximate size. The Strömvil photometric system, developed by V. Straizys (Vilnius Observatory, Lithuania), allows more precise photometry using 7 filters, ranging from 330-700 nm. Since the color of a star is associated with the wavelength of the electromagnetic radiation of light emitted by it, each filter allows only certain wavelengths to go through into the CCD camera; then, each neighboring wavelength band can be compared against the others and the color relationship can be converted to magnitude. Our Milky Way galaxy has billions of stars, of which we only have information from a small set. We obtained images of the NGC6811 and NGC6819 Open clusters, and the M56 Globular cluster at the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope in Mt Graham AZ. During an 8 night observing run, images were taken in each filter with 3 different pointings overlapping by 2 arc-min. Calibration by known standards from A. Kazlauskas (e.i. Baltic Astronomy Vol II) that fall in the observed regions will be done. From this photometry other star information; such as luminosity, distance, metallicity, surface gravity, and spectral class will be determined.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.