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D. B. Haarsma, A. R. Butler (Calvin College), M. E. Donahue (Michigan State), S. S. Bruch (Wisconsin)
Distant galaxy clusters are key to understanding many current questions in cosmology, structure formation, and galaxy evolution, yet few z>1 clusters have been identified. The ROSAT Optical X-ray Survey (Donahue et al. 2002 ApJ 569, 689) searched for galaxy clusters using both optical and x-ray detection methods. While many clusters appeared in both wavebands, 10 targets which showed extended x-ray emission (a unique signature of cluster gas) did not show significant I-band emission (expected from elliptical galaxies in the cluster). These targets may be galaxy clusters with redshift greater than 1, which would appear faint in I due to the 400 nm break in elliptical galaxy spectra. In J and K bands, such galaxies would be easier to detect, and in April 2005 we imaged the 10 fields in J and K with the FLAMINGOS camera on the NOAO 4m telescope. The infrared colors are useful in identifying clusters, because all elliptical galaxies in a cluster are expected to have similar colors (i.e. the red sequence). We report preliminary identifications of high redshift galaxy clusters in our sample.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.