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A. Conley, D.A. Howell, A. Howes (University of Toronto), P Astier (LPNHE), E Aubourg (APC), D Balam (University of Victoria), S Basa (LAM, CNRS), R.G. Carlberg (University of Toronto), S. Fabbro (CENTRA), D. Fouchez (CPPM), J. Guy (LPNHE), I. Hook (University of Oxford Astrophysics), H. Lafoux (DSM/DAPNIA), J.D. Neill (University of Victoria), R. Pain (LPNHE), N. Palanque-Delabrouille (DSM/DAPNIA), K. Perett (University of Toronto), C.J. Pritchet (University of Victoria), N. Regnault (LPNHE), J. Rich (DSM/DAPNIA), M. Sullivan (University of Toronto), R. Taillet, S. Baumont (LPNHE), J. Bronder (University of Oxford Astrophysics), V. Lusset (DSM/DAPNIA), P. Ripoche (CPPM), A. Mourao (CENTRA), S. Perlmutter (LBNL), C. Tao (CPPM)
Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) provide the most direct evidence for the acceleration of the Universe. This evidence relies on a comparison between the luminosities of distant and nearby SNe Ia, and hence is potentially sensitive to any evolution in the mean lightcurve properties between these two samples. One method for testing for the presence of such effects is to measure and compare the rise time, which is the time between explosion and maximum luminosity, of the two samples. The Supernova Legacy Survey provides an excellent data sample for the analysis of this issue, since it's 'rolling search' nature yields lightcurves which are well sampled prior to maximum light. Here we discuss measurements of the rise time from SNLS data and what they can tell us about evolutionary effects.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
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