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B.J. Weiner (Maryland), C.N.A. Willmer (Arizona), S. Kassin, S.M. Faber (UCO/Lick), DEEP2 Collaboration
The DEEP2 Survey has measured redshifts for over 31,000 galaxies from redshift 0 to 1.5. The high spectral resolution permits a velocity dispersion measurement from integrated emission-line linewidth for over 27,000 galaxies. This is the largest sample to date of galaxies with measured kinematics, at any redshift, and is observed homogenously and spans a wide range of galaxy types. We construct linewidth-magnitude Tully-Fisher relations and measure evolution in the TF zeropoint and slope with redshift. Zeropoint and slope evolution constrain models of galaxy star formation history and timescale, suggesting that star formation timescale must be shorter in more massive galaxies. For a subset of the DEEP2 galaxies, we also measure spatially resolved rotation and velocity dispersion profiles. These can be used both to test the properties of integrated linewidths and to measure the orderliness of galaxy kinematics at high redshift (see DEEP2 poster by Kassin et al.)
This work was supported by NSF grants AST~00-71198 and AST~00-71048 to UCSC and UC Berkeley.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.