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D. Haggard, M. A. Agüeros, K.R. Covey, M. Tavarez, E. Agol (University of Washington)
The Pre-Major in Astronomy Program (Pre-MAP) is a new program housed in the University of Washington Astronomy Department. Pre-MAP is designed for entering UW students who are interested in math and science and who are traditionally underrepresented in astronomy (women, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Southeast Asians, Pacific Islanders, and first-generation college students). The program introduces students to astronomical research techniques and guides them in applying these techniques to projects that involve the use of cutting-edge facilities and/or data available to UW astronomers. Every Pre-MAP student also receives one-on-one mentoring and peer support for at least the duration of the academic year, and has an opportunity to continue or expand their research project. In addition to describing Pre-MAP, we discuss recruitment strategies, curriculum development, and long-term funding ideas for the program.
Pre-MAP is made possible in part by a two-year grant from the University of Washington's Diversity Appraisal Implementation Fund.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.