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J.A. Schlaerth, J.E. Aguirre (U. Colorado), A.W. Blain (Caltech), J.J. Bock (JPL), J. Glenn (U. Colorado), S.R. Golwala, T.R. Greve (Caltech), G.T. Laurent, P.R. Maloney (U. Colorado), P. Rossinot, J. Sayers (Caltech), J. Williams (U. Hawaii)
Submillimeter galaxies are very luminous (L > 1012 Lsolar), high redshift (z > 1) galaxies which are highly obscured by dust. There is strong evidence that these galaxies are powered largely by high star formation rates, in which ultraviolet and optical light is absorbed by the dust and thermally emitted, peaking in the submillimeter and millimeter wavebands. We present results from a survey of the central 940 arcmin2 of the COSMOS field using Bolocam, the 1.1 mm camera at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. The COSMOS field has extensive multi-wavelength coverage from X-ray to radio. The coverage of such a large area in many wavebands is crucial to a complete characterization of the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of submillimeter galaxies, thus integrating them into theories of galaxy formation and evolution. The survey combines Bolocam data taken in February 2004 and from February to April 2005. We present analysis of the data and characterization of the calibration and astrometry, the two dominant sources of systematic error for accurate photometry. The survey reaches an RMS noise level of \sigma1.1 mm ~q 1.9 mJy beam-1, uniform over the entire 940 arcmin2. Our data shows 9 detections of galaxies above 3.8 \sigma, with one false detection expected above this threshold. We further present results of a fluctuation analysis of the data to constrain the number count distribution of submillimeter galaxies, and find it to be consistent with the previous Bolocam 1.1mm survey of the Lockman Hole. Future work includes follow-up of detected sources with SHARC II at 350 microns to measure the SED near the rest-frame submillimeter peak, and identification of radio counterparts in the deep VLA-COSMOS survey.
This research was funded in part by a grant from the NSF (AST-0206158).
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.