AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 84 Planets in Binary Star Systems
Special Session, Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am, January 10, 2006, Maryland

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[84.04] Terrestrial Planet Formation in Binary Star Systems

J. J. Lissauer, E. V. Quintana (NASA Ames), F. C. Adams (U Michigan), J. E. Chambers (DTM/CIW)

Most stars reside in binary/multiple star systems; however, previous models of planet formation have studied growth of bodies orbiting an isolated single star. Disk material has been observed around one or both components of various young close binary star systems. If planets form at the right places within such disks, they can remain dynamically stable for very long times.

We have simulated the late stages of growth of terrestrial planets in both circumbinary disks around `close' binary star systems with stellar separations (aB) in the range 0.05 AU \le aB \le 0.4 AU and binary eccentricities in the range 0 \le e \le 0.8 and circumstellar disks around individual stars with binary separations of tens of AU. The initial disk of planetary embryos is the same as that used for simulating the late stages of terrestrial planet growth within our Solar System and around individual stars in the Alpha Centauri system (Quintana et al. 2002, A.J., 576, 982); giant planets analogous to Jupiter and Saturn are included if their orbits are stable. The planetary systems formed around close binaries with stellar apastron distances less than or equal to 0.2 AU with small stellar eccentricities are very similar to those formed in the Sun-Jupiter-Saturn, whereas planetary systems formed around binaries with larger maximum separations tend to be sparser, with fewer planets, especially interior to 1 AU. Likewise, when the binary periastron exceeds 10 AU, terrestrial planets can form over essentially the entire range of orbits allowed for single stars with Jupiter-like planets, although fewer terrestrial planets tend to form within high eccentricity binary systems. As the binary periastron decreases, the radial extent of the terrestrial planet systems is reduced accordingly. When the periastron is 5 AU, the formation of Earth-like planets near 1 AU is compromised.

If you would like more information about this abstract, please follow the link to Jack.J.Lissauer@nasa.gov. This link was provided by the author. When you follow it, you will leave the Web site for this meeting; to return, you should use the Back comand on your browser.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
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