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G. R. Ricker, J. P. Doty, S. E. Kissel, G. Y. Prigozhin (MIT)
The Reflection Grating Spectrometer (RGS) on Constellation-X will provide very high spectral resolution in the low energy X-ray band below 2 keV, where most atomic features are located. A baseline value for the RGS of E/deltaE > 300 is planned, with values of E/deltaE ~ 3000 being discussed as a possible goal for an offplane grating design. Thus, the RGS will complement Constellation-X's X-ray microcalorimeter, which has its highest spectral resolution at energies greater than 2 keV. The Reflection Grating Spectrometer Focal Plane Camera (RFC) reads out the RGS spectra by means of a long array of extended low-energy response, event-driven silicon CCDs (EDCCDs). The current instrument baseline calls for coverage of the X-ray energy (wavelength) range from 0.25 to 2 keV (6 - 50 Å) in an elongated, multi-CCD array. The back-illuminated EDCCD can accomodate these goals, by providing rapid frame rates (~ 30 Hz) at non-cryogenic temperatures (~ -20C or higher), for power requirements ~ 100x less than for conventional CCDs. The status of both the RFC detector and array technologies will be presented.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.