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I. Harrus (NASA/GSFC/JHU), RIME (Arthur Bloom) Collaboration
We describe here an interdisciplinary program that combines astronomy and music in a unique and unprecedented fashion. This is an intensive program in which students prepare for and perform with a professional orchestra. For many of its participants, it is a life-changing experience. For us, it is a conduit for developing, implementing and disseminating truly innovative and interdisciplinary science education and outreach.
The team, headed by composer Arthur Bloom, who created the original and highly successful music program, includes astronomers, teachers, educators, and evaluators. We are working in collaboration with a school in Berwins Heights and with graduate students in astronomy from the University of Maryland in College Park under the supervision of Cole Miller. The evaluation of the program is done under the supervision of Hiro Yoshikawa (Harvard University). The program received seed funding from an IDEAS grant awarded to Arthur Bloom in 2003.
This unique collaboration provides an opportunity to develop innovative and interdisciplinary educational and outreach materials, leverage investment and broadly disseminate our results, share costs, link with school systems, target underserved and underrepresented populations, cultivate new sources of media attention, and enhance interest and learning in astronomy.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.