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J. E. Grindlay, S. Bogdanov, M. van den Berg (Harvard), C. Heinke (Northwestern Univ.)
We report new Chandra observations of the core collapsed globular cluster NGC 6397. In comparison with our original Chandra observations (Grindlay et al 2001, ApJ, 563, L53), we now detect some 30 sources (vs. 20) in the cluster. A new CV is confirmed, though new HST/ACS optical observations (see Cohn et al this meeting) show that one of the original CV candidates is a background AGN). The 9 CVs (optically identified) yet only one MSP and one qLMXB suggest either a factor of ~7 reduction in NSs/WDs vs. what we find in 47Tuc (see Grindlay 2005, Proc. Cefalu Conf. on Interacting Binaries) or that CVs are produced in the core collapse. The possible second MSP with main sequence companion, source U18 (see Grindlay et al 2001) is similar in its X-ray and optical properties to MSP-W in 47Tuc, which must have swapped its binary companion. Together with the one confirmed (radio) MSP in NGC 6397, with an evolved main sequence secondary, the process of enhanced partner swapping in the high stellar density of core collapse is implicated. At the same time, main sequence - main sequence binaries (active binaries) are depleted in the cluster core, presumably by "binary burning" in core collapse. These binary re-creation and destruction mechanisms in core collapse have profound implications for binary evolution and mergers in globulars that have undergone core collapse.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.