AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 199 Pierce Prize: Submillimeter Selected Galaxies
Invited, Thursday, 11:40am-12:30pm, January 12, 2006, Ballroom/Salon 2

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[199.01] Submillimeter-selected Galaxies: Probing the Astrophysics of the Most Luminous High-redshift Galaxies

A. Blain (Caltech)

Understanding galaxy evolution is an area where appreciation of the benefits of a multiwavelength approach is best demonstrated: from optical to radio to X-ray, infrared and far-infrared observations. I will describe the installation of one new piece of the jigsaw of the evolution of galaxies: the arrival of completely new observing capabilities at millimeter wavelengths in 1997, which reveals some of the most luminous, high-redshift galaxies known. The subsequent search for the nature of these galaxies has demonstrated the power of new facilities across the spectrum. The redshifts, internal structures and environments of the `submillimeter galaxies' have been probed, providing insight into the formation of ellipticals and spiral bulges. In the next decade we will have the chance to extend greatly our view of these galaxies, via resolved images and spectroscopy from mm-wave to optical wavelengths. I will highlight the progress made so far, and some of the opportunities for the years ahead.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.