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V.M. Gokhale, X.M. Peng, J. Frank (Louisiana State University)
A simple semi-analytic approach is adopted to investigate the evolution of non-magnetic double degenerate binary systems. We consider the effects of: (i) various orbital angular momentum loss and redistribution mechanisms such as gravitational wave radiation, winds, tides and direct impact accretion and, (ii) different mass-radius relationships for cold and warm white dwarfs. The mass transfer rate can be determined either for polytropic donors or for isothermal atmospheres with a given scale height. We find that in general, the fate of the binary is determined by the initial mass-ratio q = Mdonor/Maccretor, the mass-radius relationship and the consequential angular momentum loss mechanisms in the system. Depending on how unstable the initial configuration is, the binary evolves to either a merger, tidal disruption of the donor or to stable mass transfer after a separation ``bounce" leading to formation of AM CVn type systems.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.