AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 85 Science with the Submillimeter Array
Special Session, Tuesday, 10:00-11:30am, January 10, 2006, Virginia

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[85.08] SMA Observations of Nearby and Distant Active Galaxies

D. Iono (SAO/NAOJ)

The important step to understand the formation and evolution of galaxies is to study the most active galaxies in the universe. In the local universe, high resolution optical/NIR observations of the infrared-bright galaxies have revealed a variety of morphologies, leading us to believe that tidal interactions could be the important triggering mechanism for the intense star formation activity seen in these systems. In the distant universe, there is now mounting evidence that a substantial fraction of bright galaxies are also interacting/merging systems, supporting the long-held idea that galaxies form and evolve hierarchically. In this review, I present our recent SMA observations of warm and high density gas traced in CO(3-2) emission in a sample of local infrared-bright interacting/merging galaxies, and observations of FIR-bright high-z sources in dust continuum and the redshifted [CII] line emission.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
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