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F. Genova, M.G. Allen, O. Bienayme, T. Boch, F. Bonnarel, L. Cambresy, S. Derriere, P. Dubois, P. Fernique, S. Lesteven, C. Loup, F. Ochsenbein, A. Schaaff, B. Vollmer, M. Wenger, M. Louys (CDS), G. Jasniewicz (GRAAL), E. Davoust (LAT)
The Centre de Donnees astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS) maintains several widely used databases and services. Among significant recent evolutions:
- a new version of SIMBAD (SIMBAD 4), based on the PostgreSQL database system, has been developed, to replace the current version which has been operational since 1990. It allows new query and sampling possibilities. For accessing SIMBAD from other applications, a full Web Service will be made available in addition to the client-server program which is presently used as name resolver by many services.
- VizieR, which gives access to major surveys, observation logs and tables published in journals, is continuously updated in collaboration with journals and ground- and space-based observatories. The diversity of information in VizieR makes it an excellent test-bed for the Virtual Observatory, in particular for the definition of astronomy semantics and of query language, and the implementation of registries.
- a major update of Aladin (Aladin V3 Multiview) was released in April 2005. It integrates in particular a multiview display, image resampling, blinking, access to real pixel values (not only 8 bits), compatibility with common image formats such as GIF, JPEG and PNG, scaling functions for better pixel contrasts, a 'Region of Interest Generator' which automatically builds small views around catalog objects, a cross-match function, the possibility to compute new catalog colums via algebraic expressions, extended script commands for batch mode use, and access to additional data such as SDSS. Aladin is routinely used as a portal to the Virtual Observatory. Many of the new functions have been prototyped in the frame of the European Astrophysical Virtual Observatory project, and other are tested for the VO-TECH project.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.