AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 188 Galaxy Anatomy: from Bars to Halos
Poster, Thursday, 9:20am-4:00pm, January 11, 2006, Exhibit Hall

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[188.04] Evolution of Bar-driven Disks under the Influence of the Interaction between Two Inner Lindblad Resonances

C. Yuan (ASIAA), D.C.C. Yen (Fu Jen Catholic University), M.K. Lin (Cambridge University)

The presence of both the inner inner Lindblad resonance (IILR) and the outer inner Lindbald resonance (OILR) in a bar-driven galactic disk highly complicates the gas-dynamical processes in the disk and greatly affects its structure and evolution. In this study, we use the Antares codes to simulate the evolution of the such disks. The Antares codes are higher Godunov codes we have developed, which are featured with exact Reimann solver, the self-gravitation of the disk, and the non-reflection boundary conditions. There are three important results: (1) The resonance effect spreads substantially beyond the maximum pattern speed, which is tangent to the {\Omega}-{\kappa}/2 curve, and hence beyond which there is no resonance. (2) For the case of self-gravitation, structural features in close resemblance with x1 and x2 orbits appear. (3) But in the case without self-gravitation, no x1 and x2 orbital features. The interaction of IILR and OILR produces a gas bar aligned with and therefore reinforcing the imposed bar. We will show results in movies. The work is in parts supported by a grant from National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC94-2752-M-001-002-PAE.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
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