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S.F. Martin (Helio Research), O. Engvold (Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Oslo)
On 16 and 17 September 2004, changes in two unusually high prominences were recorded for intervals of several hours in the H\alpha line at Helio Research using a 10-inch aperture telescope equipped with a narrow band (1/10 fwhm) filter. The high prominences, each reaching an altitude 200,000 km, appeared above a long low-lying prominence that was well-observed crossing the limb and had a maximum altitude of 60,000 km. The lower prominence had a horizontal axis and barbs while the high prominence in H\alpha consisted of many strands of nearly vertical structure but with only a few threads with mass streaming downward close to the chromosphere. Because there were no apparent geometric properties or mass flows in common between the high prominences and the low one, it is deduced that the high prominences were associated with photospheric polarity reversal boundaries and filament channels that were at least 20-33 degrees beyond the west limb and associated with a large decaying active region. Additionally, LASCO movies revealed two faint CMEs on 14 Sep (19:12 UT) and 15 Sep (21:24 UT) evidently from the backside of the Sun and near the same position angles as the high prominences. These events were also most likely related to the polarity reversal boundaries within or on the border of the large active region beyond the west limb. We suggest that each of the high prominences developed in the 1-2 day aftermath of each of the successive CMEs. We further suggest that the prominences are related to the formation of current sheets anticipated by (Lin and Forbes 2000) or magnetic interfaces (Lin and van Ballegooijen 2001) that, in either case, are continuing to evolve one to two days after the eruptive events. Support from NSF grant ATM-0209395 is acknowledged.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.