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J.B. Johnson, A. Sweet (Macalester College), K.A. Venn (U. Victoria), C. Baldner (Yale), V. Hill (Obs. Paris - Meudon), E. Tolstoy (Kapteyn Inst., Groningen)
Elemental abundances for 10 red giants in the Sculptor dwarf galaxy are presented based on VLT FLAMES/UVES fiber spectroscopy. These complement the 9 stars observed with VLT UVES slit spectra analyzed by Shetrone et al. (2003) and Geisler et al. (2005). These spectra were taken simultaneously with an additional 91 stars in Sculptor using the VLT FLAMES/GIRAFFE spectra, which reaches more stars but over smaller and discrete wavelength intervals. This analysis uses the same spectral line list, and techniques of model atmosphere generation and methodology outlined by Shetrone et al. with one exception; results from line fitting are compared to DAOspec line measurements to assess the impact of the assumption of Gaussian profile fitting used in that code. All abundances from UVES spectra are compared to each other, and to Galactic stars, and discussed in terms of nucleosynthesis and dwarf galaxy chemical evolution.
We thank the National Science Foundation for support through a CAREER award to KAV, AST 99-84073.
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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.