AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
Session 150 Source Surveys, Catalogs, Databases and Swift Observations
Oral, Wednesday, 10:00-11:30am, January 11, 2006, Salon 3

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[150.02] Early Results from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey

M Sako (KIPAC/Stanford U), J Barentine (APO), J Bassett (U of Portsmouth), A Becker (U of Washington), R Bender (U of Munich), M Bremer (U of Bristol), H Brewington (APO), F DeJongh (Fermilab), J Dembicky (APO), D L DePoy (Ohio State), B Dilday (U of Chicago), M Doi (U of Tokyo), A Edge (U of Durham), E Elson (SAAO), J Frieman (Fermilab and U of Chicago), P Garnavich (U of Notre Dame), A Goobar (Stockholm U), M Harvanek (APO), T Gueth, J Holtzman (NMSU), U Hopp (U of Munich), W Kollatschny (Goettingen U), J Krzesinski (APO), D Lamenti (SFSU), H Lampeitl (Fermilab), R Kessler (U of Chicago), B Ketzeback (APO), K Konishi (U of Tokyo), D Long (APO), J Marriner (Fermilab), J L Marshall (Ohio State U), R McMillan (APO), J Mendez (U of Barcelona), G Miknaitis (Fermilab), R Nichol (U of Portsmouth), K Pan (APO), J L Prieto (Ohio State U), M Richmond (RIT), A Riess (STScI), R Romani (Stanford U), K Romer (U of Sussex), P Ruiz-Lapuente (U of Barcelona), D Schneider (Penn State), M Smith (U of Portsmouth), S Snedden (APO), M Subbarao (U of Chicago and Alder Planetarium), N Takanashi (U of Tokyo), K van der Heyden (SAAO), C Wheeler (U of Texas), N Yasuda (U of Tokyo)

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey II is currently conducting a supernova (SNe) search, where approximately 300 square degrees of the sky are scheduled for multi-band imaging on a cadence of two days with the primary goal of studying type Ia SNe as cosmological distance indicators. The first of the three-year program began in early September and will continue until the end of November 2005. During the first month, the survey has discovered and obtained multi-band light curves and spectroscopic data of ~50 SN Ia from z = 0.05 - 0.4, a redshift "desert" that is poorly sampled in other local and high-redshift searches. We present some early results from the first year of the survey and discuss future prospects.

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Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 37 #4
© 2005. The American Astronomical Soceity.