AAS 207th Meeting, 8-12 January 2006
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All findings are embargoed until the time of presentation at the meeting.

AAAC Town Hall

Tuesday, January 10, 2006, 5:20-6:20pm, Ballroom/Salon 2

The Astronomy and Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAAC) invites AAS participants to meet with the chair and some members of the committee at a ``Town Hall" discussion. The AAAC was constituted by Congress with OMB and agency support to advise both the Congress and the three Agencies supporting astronomy and astrophysics research programs, NASA, NSF, and DOE. The enabling legislation requires the AAAC to advise on (1) the coordination of programs in astronomy and astrophysics between the three agencies, and (2) the status of the Decadal Survey and like NRC reports. The committee is required to submit an annual report to Congress and the heads of the agencies with findings and recommendations in these areas. Since this report must be submitted by March 15, input from the community at the AAS meeting would be most valuable and appreciated. For background, the 2005 annual report and its transmittal letter (which shows the recipients of the report), the committee membership and other material can be found at http://www.nsf.gov/mps/ast/aaac.jsp. Presentation material and letters arising from the meetings can be found under the meeting date (for example, a letter re the NSF Senior Review can be found under the May 16-17, 2005 meeting link).

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